• Air Barrier testing and inspection services
include cost saving recommendations by employing computerized
Blower Door and Thermal Imaging technology.
• HVAC and Duct Leakage
is specifically for any residential property to help determine any
leaks that are present or other cost and comfort issues. This is imperative in improving energy efficiency and comfort and is especially important during the purchase or selling of a home.
• Air Balancing is performed to SMACNA (Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors' National Association) protocols and their TAB (Testing, Adjustment & Balancing) Guidelines. It is primarily used in commercial occupancies. Air flow is measured at each supply register and return grille. Each duct branch terminating in a supply register is equipped with a manual damper that allows adjustment for the amount of air to be provided. This adjustment is made within tolerance to each branch until the design air flow is achieved, assuring personnel comfort in each area of the home or commercial space.
• Outdoor
Environmental Services
provide a residential Neighborhood Environmental report, which will help protect you and your family's health, ensure a sound investment and understand nearby risks. Regal Services keeps your bottom line intact by providing commercial environmental due diligence assessments to ASTM Standards as a condition of sale, or for a number of other purposes such as a building lease, annual maintenance and reserve studies, or as a prerequisite for insurance or other financial purposes.
• Indoor
Environmental Quality (IEQ) testing & inspection services
address Comfort, Light, Noise, Odor, Air(IAQ), and Electromagnetic Interference(EMI) or radiation.
Also, please feel free to check out our partner site
LiteLine.co for all your window insulation needs.